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Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | pdf for All Class 

smart bangladesh

Smart Bangladesh is a promise and slogan of the Government of Bangladesh which plans to transform the country from Digital Bangladesh to Smart Bangladesh by 2041. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was the first to give this promise and slogan. 

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | for all classes (100 Words)

The government of Bangladesh has begun efforts to develop Smart Bangladesh, after the transformation of the country into a digital hub. Bangladesh’s population and economy will live in a smart society and economy if the Smart Bangladesh project is carried out. Smart Bangladesh is essentially built on four pillars. 4. Smart Economy; 1. Smart Government; 2. Smart Society; 3. Smart Citizen. It doesn’t take hours for people to use government services. Smart Bangladeshi citizens can conveniently use cutting-edge technology from the comfort of their homes to access government services. These cutting-edge technology enable them to quickly and efficiently address their own challenging difficulties. We shall be able to accomplish the goal of Smart Bangladesh by 2041 thanks to this.

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Smart Bangladesh Paragraph_ for all Class (100 Word)

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | for all classes (200 Words)

The idea of “smart Bangladesh” is rather fresh these days. It refers to a Bangladesh that will have a knowledge-and technology-based economy. The Bangladeshi government has pledged to turn Bangladesh into a Smart Bangladesh by 2041, following the completion of the project to make Bangladesh a Digital Bangladesh by 2021. The government of Bangladesh has already approved the implementation of some initiatives in an effort to make the country smarter. Smart Bangladesh is envisioned as a knowledge- and technology-driven nation where human expertise and technology are utilized for all tasks. Smart Citizen, Smart Society, Smart Government, and Smart Economy are the four cornerstones of Smart Bangladesh. Every action in Smart Bangladesh would be executed with intelligence. In essence, the goal of the Smart Bangladesh initiative is to propel Bangladesh forward in the age of globalization in every aspect. Through the Smart Bangladesh project, the nation’s citizens will become intelligent citizens. They will also be very skilled at using technology to solve problems because they will have a solid understanding of it. People’s lives will get easier as a result. It will therefore greatly assist us in catching up to wealthy nations. The Smart Bangladesh initiative will be crucial to Bangladesh’s development into a developed nation. By doing this, we as citizens can become tech-savvy as our economic prosperity is realized.

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Smart Bangladesh Paragraph_ for all Class (200 Word)

Read More: Winter Morning Paragrapht

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | for all classes (300 Words)

Bangladesh is currently leading the way in the fourth industrial revolution, which sprang from the creation of digital technology, and is progressing at an unprecedented rate. The present government’s pledge to implement “Digital Bangladesh” has mainly been fulfilled. “Smart Bangladesh” is the government’s new objective following the deployment of Digital Bangladesh. Future Smart Bangladesh will be intelligent, creative, knowledge-based, economical, and sustainable. All labor will be intelligent. At a gathering held on the occasion of Digital Bangladesh Day-2022 at the BICC in the capital in 2022, Prime Minister made her first remarks about creating a “Smart Bangladesh.” ‘Smart Bangladesh’ is constructed on four pillars. These are the following: smart society, smart governance, smart economy, and smart citizens. There won’t be any left over after the shift to Smart Bangladesh if we move forward with identifying these four key areas in the creation of Smart Bangladesh. Smart government and smart citizens will enable the digital transformation of all media and services. Furthermore, a smart economy and society that guarantee prosperity will contribute to the development of an inclusive community and an atmosphere that is conducive to business. Bangladesh’s smart city will be reasonably priced, environmentally friendly, knowledge-driven, creative, and inventive. In order to create smart cities and smart villages, we must make use of 5G connectivity to advance the healthcare, agricultural, and educational sectors. Building a smart Bangladesh, a contemporary electricity infrastructure, a green economy, skill development, the acknowledgment of freelancing as a legitimate vocation, and urban development are all areas of great effort. To prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the government has completed the majority of the digital connectivity preparations. Creating a “smart Bangladesh” entails creating a smart populace, society, economy, and government. Smart systems will replace operations in the fields of finance, healthcare, education, and agriculture. It is important to keep in mind that Smart Bangladesh is the center of reflection and thought for the 16 crore Muslims who make up the nation, not a particular political party.

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Smart Bangladesh Paragraph_ for all Class (300 Word)

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | for all classes (400 Words)

Today, Bangladesh is advancing at an unstoppable speed in the victory of the fourth industrial revolution that came along the path of innovation of digital technology. The implementation of “Digital Bangladesh” promised by the current government has been largely completed. After the implementation of Digital Bangladesh, the government’s new goal is “Smart Bangladesh.” Future Smart Bangladesh will be cost effective, sustainable, knowledge based, intelligent and innovative. All work will be smart. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina spoke about building a ‘Smart Bangladesh’ for the first time in her speech as the chief guest at a function organized on the occasion of Digital Bangladesh Day-2022 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) in the capital on 12th December 2022. There are four foundations to build ‘Smart Bangladesh’. These are – smart citizen, smart economy, Smart government, and smart society. If we proceed by identifying these four specific areas in the construction of Smart Bangladesh, there will be no remaining in the transition to Smart Bangladesh. Through smart citizens and smart government, all services and media will be transformed into digital. And if smart society and smart economy ensure growth, it will play a helpful role in creating an inclusive society and building a business-friendly environment. Smart Bangladesh will be cost-effective, sustainable, knowledge-based, intelligent and innovative. In short, everything will be smart. Such as ensuring smart healthcare, smart transport, smart utilities, urban administration, public safety, agriculture, internet connectivity and disaster management for implementation of smart cities and smart villages. The Government of Bangladesh has formed a 30-member “Smart Bangladesh Task Force” with the aim of building a ‘Smart Bangladesh’. The chairperson of this task force is the Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Remaining 29 members. In 2021 itself, we have launched 5G (5G) services in the country trial and already awareness has been created among the people about 5G (5G) connectivity services. We need to utilize 5G connectivity to develop healthcare, agriculture and education sectors to build smart cities and smart villages. A lot of work is going on in building a smart Bangladesh, modern power grid, green economy, skill development, recognition of freelancing profession and urban development. Government has done most of the preparations for digital connectivity to meet the Fourth Industrial Revolution. ‘Smart Bangladesh’ means building smart citizens, society, economy and smart government. Activities in education, health, agriculture and financial sectors will be transformed into smart systems. It should be remembered that Smart Bangladesh is not a special political party, it is the focus of the meditation and thinking of the 16 crore people of the country, the Muslim people.

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph_ for all Class (400 Word)
Smart Bangladesh Paragraph_ for all Class (400 Word)

Read More: Winter Morning Paragrapht

Smart Bangladesh Paragraph | for all classes (500 Words)

Bangladesh has gone through many ups and downs since its birth to reach today. The progress of Bangladesh, which has become a bottomless basket, is worth seeing today. The development of Bangladesh is now a matter of global discussion. Agriculture-based Bangladesh has now reached a bright position as an exporter of ready-made garments, Bangladesh has also advanced a lot in terms of technology. Bangladesh has successfully met the goals of Digital Bangladesh Vision-2021. Which is one mission undertaken by Bangladesh. Since independence, Bangladesh has undertaken many missions to make the country developed, prosperous and technologically dependent. In line with this, the current government of Bangladesh has undertaken the ‘Smart Bangladesh-2041’ target to develop and prosper the country by transforming the country into a knowledge-based economy by 2041 after Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021. An executive committee named ‘Smart Bangladesh Task Force’ has been formed for this purpose. This committee works to adopt short, medium and long-term plans for the implementation of Smart Bangladesh and take necessary measures for its implementation, create legal and technical infrastructure and take necessary steps and directions for its implementation at all stages. Apart from this, the committee will formulate and Implement action plans to transform education, health, agriculture, trade, financial sector activities into smart systems. What is Smart Bangladesh?: The basis of ‘Smart Bangladesh’ is basically four which are smart citizens, smart economy, smart government and smart government. Education, health, agriculture and financial sector activities will be transformed into smart systems. In Smart Bangladesh everything will be through technology. Where the citizens of the country will be skilled in using technology and through it the entire economy will be managed. For this, integrated activities will be undertaken with the aim of modernizing government management and developing an efficient and transparent management structure. Actions for Building Smart Bangladesh: Bangladesh policy makers have already undertaken a 14-point action plan to realize the goal of building Smart Bangladesh. One of these points is the establishment of Bangladesh as a knowledge-based economy. Arrangement of Self-Employment Base Trainer under Digital Inclusion. Undertake One Student, Laptop, One Dream system to ensure online activities of students. Establishment of self-employment and entrepreneurship development platform, improvement of transport and communication system for fast sustainable rapid growth and several other action plans. Some planning is required to manage all these things properly. Mobile phones connected to Bangladesh are currently exported to several countries including neighboring countries, but this industry should be given more importance in building a smart Bangladesh. Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City has been established. More than 70 companies have invested in Bangladesh to boost the technology sector of Bangladesh. More development and oversight is needed in this sector to make Bangladesh smart. In the construction of smart Bangladesh, Bangladesh should not be limited to slogans or imaginations, but to build a proper modern and smart Bangladesh, activities should be undertaken by involving people in various sectors. Smart Bangladesh is not just a program of any group or political party but it is a program of the whole Bangladesh. Along with all citizens, the youth must develop themselves as technology-dependent smart citizens. Only then can we expect a developed and knowledge-based smart Bangladesh.

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